I have received lots of mails from married women who said they are having issues with sperm leakages. They do say, sperms do drop out their vagina after mating with their spouse.
This happens to a lot of women, and it is a bad omen when you are trying to conceive.There are arguably more than 10 reasons women experience sperm leakages after sexual intercourse.
There are many reasons this happen but I will mention and briefly explain the 4 most common reasons for this.
1. Hotness Of The Uterus:
When the uterus is hotter than is should be, the environment become inconvenient for the sperm to swim not to talk of fertilizing egg. There are a few reasons why the uterus atmosphere become hot. We will talk more about this later.
2. Abortion:
Abortion can lead to many other complications that will make conception very difficult. Aborting a pregnancy through a medical session known as D And C usually damages the composition of the womb which can lead to sperm leakages consequently.
3. Fibroids:
Though, not all fibroids adversely affects fertility and conception, but when a fibroid gets out of hand, one of the negative effects is leakage of sperm. I will strongly advice you totally get rid of fibroid even at it small level before it become a big issue. Visit here
4. PH Levels:
If the PH Level of your uterus is acidic, then sperm have no place to stay. Your uterus must not be too acidic neither should it's alkalinity be to much. The balance must be maintained.
Friend, The big thing is that we have taken it upon our self to provide proven solutions to this causes and how you can start making babies almost immediately.
The Fertility Boost solutions we proffer are proven to work anyday anytime to stop sperm leakage. It help you to detoxify thereby cleansing your whole reproductive organ off any harmful toxins which in turn normalize your uterus PH Level, calm the hotness and also melt any fibroid cells it come in contact with.
Apart from this, it also boost your Fertility level up by at least 30%, preparing your womb and uterus for quick and easy conception.
Read a few testimonial below;
Visit our website at www.soundhealtharena.com.ng.com/
Warm Regards,
Yemmy Macclean
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